paperwork, paperwork and more paperwork

I have spent the last couple days readying my business to work in DC. Tuesday I spent just about all day pouring over the DC tax web site until I found and figured out everything I needed. I met with an accountant on Wednesday and she answered a lot of my questions and it didn't really seem so hard at that point. Wednesday night I applied for DC sales tax license and registered my business.

That's where it got sticky. Seems that my application went though fine but they didn't register me for the sales tax license which is what I really needed. In addition, now I have a Business Franchise Tax added to my file which my accountant said I should not have to pay. 3 phone calls to the DC Tax office and it's not figured out yet. I hope to get more information tomorrow.

Also here they have a personal property tax in which you are taxed on your private property for your business. Like your furniture!!! I have never heard of anything like that EVER! Taxed on furniture you already bought!? Apparently I shouldn't have to pay it because I don't have over $50k in furniture. Another reason to keep my cheap folding tables for my studio ;) But you still have to file it each year. I am still not clear on that quite yet.

The whole thing has given me a migraine for the last 3 days.

There was a bright spot on Wednesday when I met with my friend Lesley Riley who lives near DC in Maryland. If you are in the area she is having a big house sale with LOTS & LOTS of cool collage and art supplies this Saturday and Sunday from 10am -3pm. Email Lesley for more info and street address. I picked up a big stash of stuff that I just couldn't live without! YAY!