Hot with cold

A sore throat.  Again!?!?  Yuck.  Didn't I just have this cold a few weeks ago? It hit my husband this past week.  I was sick not too long after our trip and I must have passed it on and gotten him ill.  I was feeling bad for him but also a little cocky ~ well, at least I've already had it, I don't have to worry.  I can go to work, workout, follow my diet, feel healthy, get things done.  I'm being knocked down a notch now, it seems.  It hit me yesterday, just as this strange cold(ish) weather front moved in.  It had been warm and sunny.  Yesterday, along with the sore throat came a headache and a general malaise, along with the return of clouds and a cool breeze.  It all seems so wintry.  Where is my summer?!

From what I've been reading this week, it seems that summer has finally hit Vienna.  I've seen lovely photographs on blogs and imagined myself sitting in one of the many city parks, people-watching, reading, simply being.

Looking at the weather for the Bay Area, it appears that summer should return this weekend.  And we do have plenty to do outdoors that is enjoyable, I just have to go do it.  If I feel better.  I've got a few days before the weekend, this feeling may pass.  Otherwise, I may just have to take on the hot with my cold and see who wins.