The Turning Point

Yup, she did it again!  For those who have been reading An American Girl for a bit, you'll know that this is the second layout change I've made since the blog's creation.  And for those of you who have recently found me, there's my admission ~ this is the second layout change I've made since the blog's creation!

WHY, you ask?  Or, maybe you don't really care, but I'm going to explain anyway.  It'll make me feel better.

As interesting and colorful as the most recent layout was, it was, quite frankly, a bit too frou-frou for me (frou-frou being one of my husband's favorite descriptive terms.  I like it).  From the moment I switched to it, I longed to go back to a clean, white, minimalist look, something a little more mature, professional.  But, I feared being too much the flake so I thought I'd sit with it.

Today, though, I find myself at a turning point.  The turning point being the moment at which I moved from "...hmmmm my hubby and I think we'd like to move to Vienna and we'll see what happens," to "Alright folks, we're moving to Vienna!"  It's time to get serious and kick this game into high gear!

Which seemed the perfect time to go back to a more suitable look.

What you see today is just the beginning of a new format and new approach.   There will be much to come, starting with a new title design and header (I need husband's help with that, though, so it's not ready today), pages devoted to major topics, a countdown to the move, once it's scheduled.   Who knows what else I'll come up with.

As the decision to move is now official, I am officially declaring myself a serious blogger.  Not only is An American Girl a fascinating a fun way to chronicle the experience, but it is also a serious endeavor to expand my network, make even more connections, ask  questions, gain insights and practical information.  And, lest I forget, part of this venture is to practice writing and shift my focus to that creative (and perhaps someday financially-lucrative) endeavor.

Until today, it was mostly fun.  Somewhat serious, but mostly fun.
Now, it is totally serious.  And totally fun!