Translate This

I love Google Chrome.

I haven't always loved Google Chrome.  I've been a devoted Firefox user for years and I will admit to using Internet Explorer, but only on the job because many of my work-related reports don't function properly in Firefox.

I've never imagined myself professing my love for a browser.  Or a technology.  Or anything computer-related, really.  It's always there and it helps me get through my day, but my emotions don't get particularly piqued by technologies or gizmos or gadgets (well, except maybe my iPhone).

Until now.  Google Chrome.  I'm not a huge fan of the homepage layout with my most visited sites, although it has grown on me.  It runs a little slow sometimes and there are quirks here and there because I've been using a beta and then a developer's version.  So, why put up with this?  Why the love? For one very simple reason.  When I pull up a webpage in another language, I get a prompt at the top, "This page is in (language).  Would you like to translate?"  

How cool is that!  Not only does that mean that I can visit blogs written in other languages for my reading pleasure, it also has super practical benefits.  For example, a few weeks ago we were trying to research gyms in Vienna prior to our visit.  Aha, here's a page for Top Gym.  Shucks, I can't read it.  Look to the top of the screen and there it is "This page is in German.  Do you want to translate?"  Uh, yes please!  Presto, chango, in the blink of an eye.  Comprehension.

I will admit that the translation is a bit off here and there, but it's good enough to follow.  It is no substitute for learning German, I do realize that and,  no, no, no, that is not the intention, I swear (can I say that any more emphatically?) but I have a feeling this nifty little bit of technology is going to make more than a little bit of difference in the upcoming months of planning.