To blog or not to blog....

that is the question.  

I haven't yet decided if I'll be blogging while on our trip, but I have decided to not make the decision until I'm there.  If it makes sense, if it fits in the flow of things, I shall.  If it becomes a task with that "must do" air about it, I shan't.

Truth is, I'm hoping for the former.  I'm hoping that there is a natural break, a natural down-time for reflecting, writing, sharing the experience.  I love reading about other people's experiences in their blogs when they're on the road ~ sharing photos, impressions, experiences, feeling their enthusiasm and living vicariously.  But, another truth is that previous, somewhat-relevant experience (bringing a journal with me on trips to write and reflect for myself) has not resulted in many, if any, filled pages.

So ~ we're packing the laptop (note to self: go to Radio Shack today to buy power adapter today) and we'll see what happens.  Stay Tuned!

Oh ~ and we don't actually leave until tomorrow night, so this will likely not be my last post before departure.