our family is growing!

We are really excited over here at the Hellmuth/Lester household, our family is growing by +1!

On Friday our new doggie Maggie will be arriving all the way from Tennesse from A Place to Bark and into our waiting arms!

It's been over a year since we helped our Toby cross over the rainbow bridge and even though our hearts will never be totally healed, there is enough room in them to fall in love with another doggie.

Bernie has taken some fun videos of Maggie and after watching them Paul and I had to have her!

What a personality!

What lessons will Maggie teach us? I am sure at least one will involve a rock!

Our kitty Stanley also came from A Place to Bark as well which is run solely by Bernie Berlin (she's also one of my closest friends). Bernie's rescue is in Tennessee so she had him transported to Atlanta where he waited a day or two for us to arrive at my friend Andra's house!

This time Maggie will be coming on a transport service (a doggie underground railroad of sorts) called PETS LLC. Follow them on Twitter @doghauler. They will pick Maggie up tomorrow night and then we'll meet them along with other new adopters in VA to collect her.

We can hardly wait! Although I think Stanley and Mabel cats will be in for a surprise!!

Thank you Bernie for the wonderful gift of life you give to these animals, without you they wouldn't be here to bring us so much joy. We thank you for our Stanley and now we thank you for Maggie too!

Get ready to be spoiled rotten Maggie!!

PS Please follow A Place to Bark on Twitter too!