Back in the U.S.A.

16 hours of travel, several planes and trains (but no automobiles), and we're back in California.  It's good to be home because I'm exhausted and ready to sit still for a few days, but it is also sad to be home because I/we were just getting the hang of Vienna when it was time to turn around and come back.

You'll forgive me for not writing much this evening.  I have to force myself to stay up for another couple hours to go to bed at regular California bedtime, but my brain isn't functioning well and I am not confident that anything I write will actually make sense.  I think I'll catch up on my blog reading, maybe get an episode of Mad Men in and then get ready for some good sleep.

Let me just say that we did have a great trip.  We saw lots, did lots and met lots of people.  To all my new Vienna friends ~ hello and thanks again!  It was so lovely to meet you.

More tomorrow.  Promise.