illustration friday: dip again!

This is another submission for illustration friday's theme of "Dip"


I wanted to create something today just for Illustration Friday in addition to custom artwork piece that I submitted to earlier.

The past few weeks have been lots of travel and prep work for classes and I haven't gotten to make as much art as I would like. My hands are getting itchy to make something just for fun!

In this piece I am experimenting with incorporating more line work and minimal color. Something I've been wanting to play with a little bit more! We'll have to see how it develops.

So here's my "Ode to Dip" with the most delicious Nutella!

Perhaps more civilized Nutella connoisseurs wouldn't treat it as a lowly dip and use it as intended as a "spread"

But I believe when eating Nutella it should be a dip!! Dip those strawberries right in the jar!! mmmm mmmm YUMMY!!!