A Glass of Wine and Berry Pie

I just delivered a presentation to students in the Library Technology program at Diablo Valley College on public libraries and public relations and how public relations can affect public library funding. Exciting stuff!

And perhaps not the most exciting topic for a blog, but don't worry, I'm not going to bore you with those particular details.  All I'm going to say is ...... aaaaaah.

Aaaaah....I feel such a HUGE sense of relief!  This presentation was the last of a bunch of big(ish) projects I had on my work to-do list this month and at this very moment I feel as though a very large weight has been lifted from my shoulders. At this very moment, as I sit in my living room with a glass a wine and my laptop, a chic flick on in the background because my husband is out and can't make fun of me, dinner in the oven and berry pie waiting for dessert, I feel perfectly relaxed and happy.   Aaaah. 

Photo Credit: Michele Ferretti