The Friday Five

I got this idea from Abby Try Again, a wonderful blog of "experiments in film photography and general happiness."   Every week, she posts five senses friday, a way to look back and take stock of the previous week through things seen, heard, tasted, touched, and smelled.  I was hoping to incorporate Five Senses Friday into An American Girl, but I'm not sure I see how to sustain it for weeks on end (will I taste or hear something each week that relates somehow to Vienna or the move?) so I've decided to change it a bit to make it my own (with thanks and apologies to Abby Try Again).

Each Friday, I will post The Friday Five.  Five things I have done, thought, or experienced during the previous week that relate to Vienna, the move, the planning, my blog, or ways in which I/we are celebrating our final year in the Bay Area.  A way to reflect on, appreciate, and share all that happens each week.  And, so, without further ado......

The Friday Five (Freitag funf)
  1. Immersed myself in the German language for 2 hours with the German film, Bella Martha
  2. Through a friend, found a way to get my writing out to the public (I'd like to make writing my livelihood, or at least a part of it, moving forward).  divine caroline - life in your words.  This means, of course, that it is time to seriously begin writing. Gulp.
  3. Changed the look of my blog because I found the previous format - layout, font, colors - difficult to read.  I hope you like the new format.
  4. Kiefer and I are discussing ways to save money for our move and to begin the downsizing process.  We're thinking about selling a lot of our big furniture and other various belongings, keeping the essentials, and moving to a studio (or smaller, cheaper apartment) for the next six to nine months.  Craigslist, here we come!  Anybody in the Bay Area want to buy a crescent moon-shaped, light blue leather couch?
  5. Started The Friday Five!  Okay, that may be cheating a bit, but I just had the idea last night and I'm struggling a bit to come up with Five Things all of a sudden this morning.