quick and easy transfer onto sticky back canvas

I just discovered a new transfer technique using my Claudine Hellmuth Studio Sticky Back Canvas. The transfer is done on the sticky side which makes it very quick and simple too!

Here's what you'll need: Claudine Hellmuth Studio Sticky Back Canvas, Mini Mister filled with water, image to transfer: scrapbook paper, color copy, black and white copy, magazine etc

First peel off the paper backing from your Sticky Back Canvas

Place the image you would like to transfer onto the STICKY side of the Sticky Back Canvas. Here I am using a piece of My Mind's Eye scrapbook paper but you could use a color or b/w laser copy (I haven't tried inkjet prints yet, if you try it let me know if it works!)

Burnish the back of the image with a craft scraper to make sure it has good contact with the Sticky Back Canvas

If you are using a heavy weight paper like a scrapbooking paper, you may want to score the back of the paper *gently* with an xacto knife

Saturate the back of the paper using a water-filled Mini Mister

Rub the paper off the back. Keep spraying with water from the Mini Mister to make it easier to rub the paper off .

Optional Step: once you have rubbed off all the paper, you may notice some white fuzzies remaining. To get rid of these spread Claudine Hellmuth Studio Multi Medium in GLOSS all over the image as if you were rubbing in face cream. The resins in the Gloss Multi Medium will make the paper fuzzies
disappear. .

Closeup of the finished transfer! Quick and easy!

Check your local crafts/scrapbook or arts supply store for availability. Claudine Hellmuth Studio Products are for sale online at these locations: Ellen Hutson LLC, Somerset Shoppe, ScrapLovers, Joggles Online, Schmooze with Suze, Scrapbook.com, Simon Says Stamp, Studio Calico, Scrap in Style TV
. For more videos and information about the Claudine Hellmuth Studio product line, visit my web site!