beeswax collage workshop in Alexandria VA

Just added to my calendar!

A one day Beeswax Collage Workshop in Alexandria VA on Saturday February 6th 2010.

Learn how to create a collage entirely with beeswax - no other glues or adhesives are necessary! You'll learn beeswax transfers, stamping in wax, layering collage, glazing colors and more! Mistakes can not be made with beeswax. If you don't like the placement of your papers you can remove them - even months later - and easily adjust your artwork! You'll be amazed by how easy and fun beeswax collage can be!

A few of the topics that will be covered during this workshop: getting started with the proper materials, collaging with beeswax, beeswax transfers - transfer photocopies directly into wax! beeswax stamping, glazing color to enhance your artwork.

Class details and sign up information are on the Artistic Artifacts Web site. Limited spaces available!