changing the look of diabetes one bag at a time

Those of you who read my blog often know that my niece Maiya has type-1 diabetes and was diagnosed at age 4.

Here's a pic of Paul, Maiya, Toby and I at the 2007 JDRF Walk for a Cure.

Maiya is 8 now and has learned to live with all that comes with this disease. And along with the disease, also comes a lot of stuff that you have to carry everywhere you go just to keep yourself alive. Even just going on a bike ride can mean bringing 2 bags of stuff!

My sister in-law Maria invented her own super CUTE line of bags after seeing all the ugly medical bags that were the only bags available to diabetics. She wanted Maiya to have a bag that she was proud of to take with her to school and out every day, one that people would exclaim "where did you get that cute bag!" and Maiya would feel like the special girl that she is!

Well Maria has done it! Her dream is now a reality and she launched Skidaddle Bags Inc this summer. I am so proud of her! Here's an example of just one of her cute and stylish bags:

As a growing business Maria has entered Skidaddle Bags in a StartUp Nation Contest. She still needs more votes to be officially in the running, so if you have a moment, please check out her web site and then vote here using this widget for Maria!

You are allowed to vote once a day under the contest rules!!