big news

Paul has accepted a job offer in Washington D.C. He'll be a Web News Editor for the Guardian America, in their D.C. office.

We are so excited about this amazing opportunity but also sad because we'll be leaving friends and family. :(

The good news is since The Guardian is a British company, Paul will get 6 weeks of vacation so we'll be able to come down a lot! And we'll get to go London too! I used to spend every summer in London with my Mom and Grandma so it feels like a second home-town to me.

It's going to be a whirlwind the next few weeks. We have to get Paul up there to start work by July 28th. Then I'll follow by the end of August if I can get everything wrapped up here in Orlando.

This weekend we are going up to do a mad dash to find an apartment. I have been looking on Craigslist like a crazy person. I pray we find something. At least I know the area from living there before. But still, it's nerve wracking. Wondering how I will fit all my art supplies into a tiny apartment -- Then we have to figure out how to rent out our house here in Florida. If anyone is interested in renting a cute 3 bedroom home in Orlando, email me!!

On top of all this I have so much to do to get ready for CHA and also Martha Stewart show submissions are due, and custom artwork orders and other deadlines. My brain feels like it is about to explode. I am trying to take things one at a time, but my mind is whirling. We only found out about this late last week, so it's been insane with me out of town at Ranger U and trying to make all these arrangements!

So that's my big news!! Akkkk!