tomorrow is show time!

Today was practice day at the Martha Stewart TV offices!

Paul helped me get my luggage to the office and then once I was settled he left me there to concentrate. Everyone there is super nice, and we went over all the steps and how things will work. There is a lot to remember and I am nervous about forgetting something. At the beginning Martha and I will be standing over by one table then we have to walk over the crafting table. I hope I don't fall down! I don't know why but I am so worried about that!

The producer let me know that there will be cue cards letting me know if I need to hurry up or if we are running out of time. I hope I can pace everything without talking to fast, too loud or not making sense. Part of me is so crazy excited and the other part wants to hide in my bed under the covers! Paul keeps reminding me that I have done TV shows a few times before so at least I have those experiences to reference.

I feel like I did when I was little about to dive off the diving board into the pool. It is so scary at first and you don't want to do it but then afterwards it's like "that was super fun! let's do it again!" I am sure I will feel the same way this time tomorrow!

I start early at 8am tomorrow and the show is being filmed at 10am EST here so some markets will see it live and others will see the live-to-tape version aired later! Here I go!!