i'm in another book

There's a new book out and it has some of my work in it! Yay!

I'm on pages 72-74!

(click image to enlarge)

Here's one of the pieces that I created. My pages were made by altering an old pop up book so it has real moving parts, which I love. In this piece you pull the tabs and the heads move. In another one, my doggies' tongue sticks in and out! hee hee! I definitely want to experiment more with the pop-up book idea.

(click image to enlarge)
One thing that was a surprise when I opened up the book, was that all my artwork in it is backwards, except for the cover artwork I did on page 72. Grrrrr.

For example, you can see the above artwork on this page, see how it's flipped? Oh well I guess most people won't notice but it drives me crazy to look at it!