tagged! i'm it!

I was tagged by Jeanne to reveal six weird things about myself. OK here goes!

1) I never believed in Santa Claus not even as a little, little kid. It just wasn't logical I said!

2) I am a total germ-o-phobe. If someone so much as mentions being sick I reach for the airborne.

3) I like to use animal communicators now and then to chat to my pets. I just got done having two GREAT readings with this amazing gal. Wow what a gift she has. There is no way she could have known some of that stuff. Toby and Stan say hi! Mabel you're next!

4)I really want daisy hubcaps for my yellow VW Bug. However if I get them, Paul says he'll never be able to drive my car again.

5)I love getting catalogs in the mail. I read them even it's not for something that I would ever want to buy.

6)I hate getting ready in the morning I try to put it off by staying in my PJs as long as possible.

I tag, Cynthia, Dawn, and Jennifer!