Until then... I'll miss you all dearly.
Au Revoir!
Photo cred: Hong Kong- The City of Nights (Lights) Photo Gallery
Do you know how your average RAT can do? :
- wriggle through a hole no larger than a quarter;
- scale a brick wall as though it had rungs;
- swim half a mile, and tread water for three days;
- gnaw through lead pipes and cinder blocks with chisel teeth that exert an incredible 24,000 pounds per square inch;
- survive being flushed down a toilet, and enter buildings by the same route;
- multiply so rapidly that a pair could have 15,000 descendants in a year’s life span;
- plummet five stories to the ground and scurry off unharmed.
Although each of the world's bloggers would like to dispute this fact, we Pinoys know the truth: The best blog in the blogosphere is made in the Philippines. The best blog in the Philippines is made in Mindanao. And the best blog in Mindanao, some say, is made by Stentorized...
Here is the Main Ingredients to start yur Own blog:
- you must have an email account preferably with google.
- you must have a computer. In our case we can use one at any Internet Cafes nearest you.
- you must have a free blog host. In our case, I highly recommended blogger.com or also known as the blogspot.com (just like this blog)
- http://www.alleba.com/blog
- http://www.mindanao.com/blog
- http://www.jehzlau-concepts.com
- http://www.batangyagit.com
- http://www.vinceleste.com
- http://spaceofinfluence.blogspot.com
- http://blog.jammedph.com
- http://aclworld.blogdrive.com
- http://www.dotastrategy.com
- http://ptlavina.wordpress.com
- http://www.jemme.net
- http://chingscdo.blogspot.com
- http://kirbitz.blogspot.com
- http://www.robilloblog.com
- http://www.blogsilog.com
- http://www.chikadora.com
- http://migs.wordpress.com
- http://teebob.blogspot.com
- http://davaosfoodhuntress.blogspot.com
- http://www.chartherct.com/
- http://www.angdabawenyo.com
- http://teremyblog.blogspot.com
- http://www.dahandahanlang.com
- http://politics.alleba.com
- http://stentorized.blogspot.com
- http://myconsolingasylum.blogspot.com
- http://prcboardexamresults.com
- http://conradmiguel.com
- http://riajose.wordpress.com
- http://rhodilee.com/
- http://ice9web.blogspot.com/
- http://siyete.wordpress.com
- http://www.hoopaddict.com
- http://cantilangnon.i.ph
- http://www.philippinesparadise.info/
- http://blog.wyzemoro.com
- http://richelle-rn.blogspot.com
- http://reyian.blogspot.com
- http://www.mydavaocity.com
- http://www.healthandwealthtopic.com
- http://mandayamoore-orlis.blogspot.com
- http://www.dingexx.com/
- http://ittalks.robilloblog.com
- http://www.cherylestorgio.com/
- http://www.jeanclairedy.wordpress.com
- http://taorinpoako.blogspot.com
- http://www.davaohotspots.com
- http://www.alternat1ve.com
- http://wggtah.blogspot.com
- http://www.southisms.com
- http://bananachoked.blogspot.com
- http://www.wordgodspells.com
- http://robstroy.blogspot.com/
- http://filipinonurse.blogspot.com
- http://istambay.wordpress.com
- http://www.robstroy.com
- http://rhyan.net
- http://marcospot.blogspot.com
- http://www.shopchicks.com
- http://doodleztech.blogspot.com
- http://pmvb.info
- http://shane.jaducana.net/
- http://www.davaoblogs.net
- http://dabawpinoy.blogspot.com/
- http://davaodeli.com
- http://sixpack.robilloblog.com
- http://crazydrunkguyv2.blogspot.com
- http://theusualsuspects.mobi
- http://aethen.blogspot.com
- http://care-for-your-health.blogspot.com
- http://showbizchika.dingexx.com/
- http://pidjanga.blogspot.com
- http://maying.writersnook.net
- http://fielsvd.blogspot.com/
- http://eetsie.eklaboo.com
- http://m2factorial.blogspot.com
- http://myflipflopsandnotes.blogspot.com
- http://student.batangyagit.com
- http://bacongco.com
- http://movie-music-review.blogspot.com
- http://neodavao.wordpress.com
- http://shyyen.blogspot.com
- http://celebpro.blogspot.com
- http://journals.aol.co.uk/jcjimc/BethanyChristianHomeforChildrenT
- http://mindanaokini.blogspot.com
- http://daracks.blogspot.com
- http://benhurjun.i.ph/
- http://www.odyscorner.com
- http://fencesitter.i.ph
- http://girlfromdipolog.blogspot.com
- http://writingedge.blogspot.com
- http://pc.batangyagit.com
- http://honeycaragos.blogspot.com
- http://cutieissa.blogspot.com
- http://iamsorceress.wordpress.com
- http://davaodiaries.blogspot.com
- http://theignatianperspective.blogspot.com
- http://periodicosurigao.blogspot.com
- http://www.bloggwing.com
- http://cutie.lecio.us