A Place to Bark is now #2 the top ten badges. Almost 900 donations!!!!! WOW!!! Thank you so much to all of YOU for keeping this effort going. Each and every one of you have helped make a difference helping her get closer to winning this $50,000 grant for the animals in need.
Below is a listing all of the artists who have generously donated thank you gifts to those of you sending in your $10 donation to A Place to Bark. The winners of these thank you gifts will be chosen at random after Jan. 31st.
Click the link in each listing to visit the blog of the artist for further details!
.....and more!This will be an on going list so check back for new updates!
Also everyone who has posted the donation badge or a link or a message of support to their blog, please post a comment in this post of Bernie's blog so we can keep track and extend a big THANK YOU!!
Thank you to everyone who has donated and thank you to all of you for spreading the word!! We can't slow down or stop thinking our spot is safe and secure. We have to keep spreading the word every day, for the next 11 days so we can get far enough ahead that it will be impossible to catch us :) I know we can do it!!!
About A Place to Bark:
"A Place to Bark" is a private no kill rescue run solely by Bernie Berlin. All animals come from high kill shelters in the south and are on death row. Combining health care, rehabilitation, and working with animal welfare organizations A Place to Bark provides a true no kill vision. Registered 501c3 non-profit. Visit A Place to Bark's web site.