I much prefer to call it the hooded scarf because it just sounds nicer, but if you've never heard of it... a scoodie is a combination of the scarf and hoodie. I've never even seen anyone rock this until Renee of ANTM Cycle 8, who wore one by Kasil, but by the looks of it- this trend just might be picking up momentum, with brands from Urban Outfitters (L) to Mike & Chris (R) selling them.
The UO one reminds me of the winter D&G collection a while back- you know, the one with the fur boots, thick white knits, white short shorts, snow and the works?
While both those designs have its own merits... I, however, happen to like this one better. By the Korean brand Bone, it seems to be completely sold out in the usual online shopping websites- I found this in the beauty and fashion section of soompi forum, a korean/asian site I sometimes visit for street style ideas. It's very versatile and looks a whole lot warmer than the M&C one (cheaper too!). Much more minimalist and stylish that the UO pompoms in my opinion... even if they make me think of D&G!
And for those with a bit of time on their hands, here is a scoodie DIY if you have a spare sweatshirt at home. Cred: fabsugar, soompi ,urbanoutfitters, youtube