It's your chance to get $50,000 for your favorite charity. Here's our opportunity to help Bernie at A Place to Bark build the shelter that she needs!
As you know we got our baby kitty Stanley from Bernie at A Place to Bark. She is a close friend of mine and what she does each day to help animals in need really amazes me and often brings me to tears. So many animals out there need our help and Bernie last year saved over 500 dogs and cats from death and are all in happy new homes. it amazes me what one person can do!
How It Works:
The four charity badges with the most unique donations through America's Giving Challenge will get $50,000 for their cause. America's Giving Challenge runs until January 31st.
What we need to do:
Put this 6 Degrees Badge (below -- just click the "share tab to get the code") on your blog and help spread the word.
If you are able donate , please donate via the badge a $10 tax deductible donation. We need the most people possible to each donate $10 to A Place to Bark. In order to win the grant we need to have the most amount of donors, not necessarily the amount of money donated.
I get about 1,500 unique visitors to my blog every day. Imagine if every one of us donated just $10 in this cause! Bernie could win the challenge and then have enough money to build the shelter she needs for the animals!
It gets better!
All donations made to A Place to Bark's Six Degrees Badge, will be matched by the "Zoline Foundation" up to $25,000.00!!! All donations up to June 1st will be counted for the matching donation from the Zoline Foundation. It's a win-win!
About A Place to Bark:
"A Place to Bark" is a private no kill rescue run solely by Bernie Berlin. All animals come from high kill shelters in the south and are on death row. Combining health care, rehabilitation, and working with animal welfare organizations A Place to Bark provides a true no kill vision. Registered 501c3 non-profit. Visit A Place to Bark's web site.
Thank you!