i'm on decor8!

new custom artwork

(click image to enlarge)
In this piece he is pictured as a little boy. He used to have a pet lamb, and he currently runs a cat rescue (hence all the cats) and he works at a library (that's why he's reading). He also used to have a tree house as a young boy so I added the ladder. This piece was a lot of fun to work on, loved adding all the details.
craft in america

It's a 3 part series on fine crafts. Here's a little text from their web site: Craft in America television viewers will travel throughout the United States visiting America’s premier craft artists in their studios to witness the creation of handmade objects, and into homes, businesses and public spaces where functional art is employed and celebrated.
It says it's on at 8pm on the Craft in America web site -- but my PBS has it on at 1am-4am. Thank goodness for Tivo! Check it out, it looks good!
Stentorized on Bucks for Blogging
The article was just posted by Mr. Jason Wilson of PC World on 30/05/2007 at 13:29:40. He wrote that
One person who has made a living out of blogging is Darren Rowse. A former church minister, Rowse lives in Melbourne and got into professional blogging almost by accident.
Mr. Darren Rowse told him further how he started blogging and I qoute:
"In preparation for an overseas trip (in 2003), I started a photo blog to show family and friends some of the digital images that I took while travelling. I also posted a review of my digital camera. In checking my blog traffic, I found that no one looked at the images, but that the review was quite popular in Google. A light went on in my head and I began to wonder what would happen if I had reviews of hundreds of cameras."
This led to Rowse doing the occasional camera write up, along with gathering other reviews into his blog.
"I actually found that my readers wanted to compare multiple reviews of the same camera all in the one place." The blog soon turned into a collation of digital camera reviews and links from around the world.
And today,
Rowse now runs two blogs (www.problogger.net and www.digital-photography-school.com/blog) and is a co-founder of b5media (www.b5media.com) - one of the largest professional blogging sites currently online. b5media employs nine full time staff and contracts around 100 bloggers from around the world to write on a variety of topics.
Mr. Darren Rowse even gave 5 TOP BLOGGING TIPS to Jason for all the bloggers to note and I quote:
- Select a topic you know and enjoy: You need to be able to still see yourself writing about it every day in the next 2-3 years.
- Be yourself: Write in your own style, don't pretend to know about things that you don't, and remember to inject some personality into your writing.
- Develop relationships: Build relationships with readers as well as other bloggers. You're building an online community so be engaging.
- Provide useful and unique content: A mistake many bloggers make is that they just regurgitate what others are writing. Say something that is unique and enhances other people's lives and you'll attract readers.
- Experiment: Learn quickly that every blog is different, and what works on one won't always work on another. So experiment with different ways of making money, driving traffic, styles of writing etc. and when you find something that works, stick with it.
Well, what caught my attention is the tip no. 4 specially the word "regurgitate" which means
to repeat or reproduce what has been heard, read, or taught, in a purely mechanical way, with no evidence of personal thought or understanding.I do not know to you but sometimes I was guilty of it specially when I start blogging last year. However, I learn quickly and make some experiment with different ways which gave birth to "Stentorized Blogging". And hopefully, I could make Bucks for Blogging.
Reference at Source: PC WORLD
what happened with 'on the lot'!?
weekend's over

- cleaned the house, vacuumed and mopped all the floors
- went to this nursery, bought wild flowers & planted them
- watched The Last King of Scotland thanks to Netflix
- Filed 32 artworks for copyright
- worked on a custom artwork order
- did laundry
- had yummy hummus at this resturant
- packed mail/packages that need to be sent out
- had family over for Memorial Day BBQ (veggie burgers for me!)
- watched On The Lot - it's getting good!
- did yoga
- worked on questions for an interview
- email - lots of it!
- mulled over business stuff, important decisions to make!
- wore my new shirts love them!
- talked to friends
see you tomorrow!
Stentorized in Blogger Party

With so many blogging communities out there, you might be asking yourself why you should choose BloggerParty.com? Let me just name some of the features we currently offer:How are you going to get paid? You get paid through embedding your adsense code in your personal account in the Blogger Party. You have a 50% chance that everytime your blog will be visited, adsense ads with your adsense code will be displayed.
- The ability to blog - about what you want, when you want.
- You retain ownership of anything you write on our website.
- Refer others and make more money.
- Keep a buddylist for easy access to your friend's blogs.
- Send and receive private messages through our site.
- Add meta keywords and a description to your blog entries for better search engine results.
- Upload pictures to be included in your blogs or to be kept in an image gallery.
- Receive "party points" for things you write, which can then be traded in for prizes.
- And best of all, get paid doing it.
It is also quite similar to blogger.com but what is unique here in the Blogger Party is that everytime you have a new post in your blog the title and the first few words of your article will be displayed in the home page of this site. And that homepage has at least a thousand unique visitors everyday and has a google PageRank of 5.
So, if you are still a struggling blogger who wants to make money with adsense while blogging I would suggest that you consider Blogger Party first because in here you can blog what you want and assured that at least a thousand will read the title of your post. And if they are attracted to the title they will surely visit your blog in order to read its whole article.
Unlike with other webhost, you create your own blog, embed adsense, and then write your article for content. But then you will be wondering how your newly created blog will attract visitors?
Not here in Blogger Party. Traffic or visitors are no longer a problem. Just make it sure that the titles of your posts are attractive enough. So, Feel Free to visit Blogger Party and Good Luck!
indie craft documentary

I was excited to see my friend Jennifer Perkins was on it. Yay Jen!
Speaking of Jen, she runs an indie fashion and craft show in Austin called Stitch and they are now accepting applications.
If you make crafty goodness, go ahead and apply!
just finished...

(click image to enlarge)
PS. Anyone watching On The Lot? I am liking it!!
The total driving time was 10 hours because of making stops to pee-pee puppies, change litter, feed and water etc. But everyone made it to Chicago safely and the final critter count for this trip was 52! That's 52 little animals all going to loving new homes! yay!!! Next week she will drive to Wisconsin with more fur babies.
I called Bernie to let her know the donation amount has now passed $1,000 and she was overcome with emotion. She is so grateful to everyone for their help. Every little helps so thank you so much!
Bernie will be driving back to TN on Saturday all day then will post an update of her trip to her blog! Thank you to everyone for positing the 6 degrees badge to your blogs. It is helping so much!
new t's for me!

The GrapeBunch Includes Stentorized Blogging
creative consultancy pool that aids aspiring entrepreneurs out to the fields of the market to get the dream done. A place to help get things done.
When I explore the GrapeBunch to look for the word stentorized it again surprises me because it is not just a word that being used but the whole link of this blog under its post "Blog on Blogs". And that post is the official entry to the project on the search for "Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs in 2007". It did not only surprised me but it flatters me also. I just could not believe that somebody like Gwen, who facilitates business matching and networking. A member of various social and business groups and coordinate business projects, will personally choose this blog as one of the Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs in 2007. It is a great honor indeed. And I thank Gwen for that.
Well, this whole experience gave me an idea and encouragement to join the contest as well. And also, this is my way of showing my support to Gwen's group and their advocacy to unite and expand the network of filipino bloggers. Mabuhay ang mga Pilipino Bloggers!
- http://traderpinoy.blogspot.com/ = stocks trading tips
- http://allaboutagloco.blogspot.com = about agloco
- http://jobsiniraq.blogspot.com = Jobs in Iraq
- http://joboilrig.blogspot.com = Jobs in Oil Rig
- http://jobonacruiseship.blogspot.com = Job on a Cruise Ship
- http://bestinsuranceguide.blogspot.com = Best Insurance Guide
- http://agloco-philippines.blogspot.com = about agloco
- http://greenphils.com/ = about environment
- http://indexed.blogspot.com = humor and puzzles
- http://pinoyseminars.blogspot.com = entrepreneurship
i'm on hula blog
(click image to enlarge)

off to new homes!

But then through our crying we both started talking about her upcoming transport and the animals that can be saved.
Next week, Bernie is going to drive 60 little lives to Chicago and Wisconsin to be adopted -- these are little puppies and kittens who were on death row and would not be alive had Bernie not pulled them from animal control. These 60 fur babies will be adopted out at no kill humane societies, when she does this, all the puppies and kittens find home within 3 days of her taking them there! There is hope along with the sadness.
But Bernie needs our help. The cost to run the transports will be around $1500. The air conditioned cargo van to rent costs $600, gas is $240 to Wisconsin and back and $180 to Chicago, she goes through approx 40lbs of Dog food A DAY and the transports take about 2 days each min. Then 20lbs of cat food a day + medical certificates and shots for all the animals. You can imagine how it adds up. She gets no monetary help from the humane societies and relies on outside donations alone.
Here's what you can do to help. Any small donation, even $5 or $10 will help. If we can get 100 people to donate $10 each that would be wonderful! If you aren't able to donate money, please consider placing this 6degrees badge (at bottom) on your blog. The more people who find out the good work Bernie does, the more people who can help. To add the badge to your blog, just click the "add to site" link at the bottom of the badge.
Click here to read more about Bernie's rescue, A Place to Bark.
Kumiko's Cash Quest the real example of Stentorized Blogging
I started to notice Kumiko Suzuki's blog when she posted the infamous "AGLOCO will not make money online! Ever!" last February 11, 2007 that stirred the whole AGLOCO community. I even commended her on the comment section of that post praising Kumiko and tell her "...That is so genius of you". Yes kumikosuzuki.blogspot.com is really a work of a genius and all her posts could justify that. Not to mention the traffics and earnings she got even she just started this blog last December 30, 2006.
Now a new look and a new domain transforming the old blogspot blog to http://www.cashquests.com will greet the loyal friends, visitors, and readers alike of Ms. Kumiko Suzuki. She really never ceases to make a genius move. Transforming her blogspot give her a sole ownership of her site which means total control on what will become of her new domain.
And in effect, she launches a competition as her way to share the joy of having a new domain the http://www.cashquests.com:
What Can You Win? ( Below are the details of the competitions which I quoted)
THE PRIZE:$100 Cash Paid via PayPal!
A full review of your site! (value: $40)
A one month link in my Super Sites section! (value: $40)
A two week 468x60 banner ad at the top of this site! (value: $50)
The winner will be chosen via a lottery and you can choose how many tickets that you have in the draw! The more tickets that you have, the greater chance of winning!
Here's how to get the tickets:
150 Tickets: A post on your site with one link to the new domain http://www.cashquests.com the anchor text 'make money online' and one link to this competition page using any anchor text.
For example:
Kumiko has new domain and she's giving me a chance to make money online too with her new Cash Quest Competition!!
80 Tickets: Change an existing link in a post to point to the new domain!
70 Tickets: Add me to your blogroll with the new domain!
70 Tickets: Update my existing entry in your blogroll to point to the new domain!
60 Tickets: Leave a comment on another site letting them know about the domain change!
50 Tickets: Make more money by signing up to Text Link Ads!
50 Tickets: Subscribe to my feed!
I wish Kumiko a best of luck and more genius move as she goes along. Actually this blog Stentorized Blogging, I admit, is inspired by Kumiko's way of posting. Her style in presenting her ideas to her blog are all in one "unique". Her blog is the paradigm of Stentorized Blogging. One good example of her stentorized post is the "AGLOCO will not make money online! Ever!".
help for your indie business

If you have your own crafty business check out the forum, which is a message board/community of indie business gals.
There are tons of helpful people on there talking about PR, web sites, shopping carts, and other things to make their business better.
I just spent an hour in the PR forum (my favorite topic!) reading all the messages.
I am super glad I found this group. Now to find more hours in the day to spend reading all the messages!
Stentorized Blogging in a New Look
Anyway, this blog utilizes the video and the news feature of blogger.com. Here you can see the video embeded which is powered by google and the videos are coming from the YouTube files. And the news are also powered by google as well.
You can control what video or news that will appear in your blog. Depending on what expressions you want to offer to your readers or visitors. But you can only used this features by using the new blogger.com customized templates. So, it is really a good bye to
I was encourage to used this new feature when I was able to stumble upon a newly created blog which impresses me and caught my attentions. This blogs are JOBS IN IRAQ and JOB OIL RIG. This two blogs inter-link to each other and has a simple concept but displaying a very unique presentations of what it offers to its visitors. It utilizes video and related news regarding the industries that they offer. The tag line of this blog is "Very Risky but High Paying Jobs". Well, if you are interested to find out what are those jobs please feel free to visit those blogs.
Acknowledgement : JOBS IN IRAQ and JOB OIL RIG
weekend's over

- Cleaned the house, vacuumed and mopped all the floors
- Unpacked the suitcases still in my studio from Art & Soul
- Unpacked 60lbs of stuff I shipped home from Art & Soul
- Watched Big Night from netflix (loved it!)
- Went to the Dandelion Cafe for the first time (cute!)
- Went to The Enzian and saw The TV Set (loved it)
- Worked on custom artwork orders
- Visited the Birds of Prey Center (baby owls!!)
- Framed 7 pieces of art for a show at a NC gallery
- Worked on my new book proposal (almost done!!)
- Packed mail/packages that need to be sent out tomorrow
- Did my VA state sales taxes from Art & Soul vendor night
whew! I didn't think I did much, but I guess I did. No wonder I am tired!
goodies in the mail!

The first was a box of my new line of 26 cards with The Greeting Place. The line is called Sweet & Sassy. All the cards came out great, colors look wonderful! They aren't on their web site yet, but will be soon.

The second box was a kit of papers and supplies for May from Scrap in Style TV. Oh boy!! What a super cool box. It even had lime green polka dotted tape in it. I was super excited. I use scrapbook papers to "clothe" my figures in my artwork (along with fabrics sometimes) so as I am opening all the papers I am exclaiming "this will make a cute skirt" and "perfect for an apron!" It's going to be fun to play with these!
illustration friday: signs

This is an image I just finished up last night for a German company called Teneues. I thought it would fit the IF theme with a slight stretch (there is a sign in the window of the beauty shop). Also maybe with this quote: "Harriet, I am starting to see signs that your gardening is damaging your cuticles"
tag! i'm it!

1) I love TV and I am not ashamed to admit it. I get so excited when others love the same shows as me.
2) I got my ears pierced when I was 11 but I never wear earrings.
3) I am a future thinker, usually living in the future instead of now. I work very hard to be present but it often doesn't work.
4) I do yoga for exercise but it doesn't relax me. I don't think I have the breathing thing down right.
5) I am very task orientated but then I can procrastinate about weird things, like opening mail, or cashing checks.
6) I don't have a sweet tooth, I like all things salty.
7) I love Harry Potter. I can not wait for the last book to come out! I plan to clear my calendar and read for two days straight.
I tag: Charlotte, Jennifer , Martha, & Karen
good bye friday

I found Friday on a Friday morning in 1987 when I was 12, he was already about a year old. It was the first week of 7th grade and he appeared one day at the bus stop. I decided we would call him Friday until we thought of a better name - we never did. He was my first found kitty in what will probably be a long history of finding homeless cats!
I remember bringing him in the house and he freaked out, running behind all the furniture, couldn't wait to escape. So we started feeding him outside. In the winter he would venture in and sleep on my Dad's favorite leather chair for a few days then get really anxious to be let out. We tried for years to make him an indoor cat but he would have none of it! He would get really nasty if we kept him in too long! Finally when he was 16 he was ready to live inside and enjoy retirement and he spent the last remaining years enjoying lounging in the sun, my Mom and Dad at his beck and call.
As all pets are loved, they are also mile markers in our lives. Friday was there for for me through more than half my life: middle school, first boyfriends, highschool, college, my first jobs, my marriage. I miss you already big boy!
5 Ways to Make Money Online without Spending
It is some sort of a case study of mine on how an individual could earn money on the internet with out spending. I surf the internet to look for any blogs or sites on how to do it but nothing any closer which are reliable enough (which) could teach us how. All of them are hypes and almost a "too good to be true.." offers which most likely at the end will forced you to spend money.
Furthermore, all of those blogs/sites spend "dollars" just to have a well design website with a high page rank and attract more traffics. Well, of course, it is a good investment specially if you are projecting a very high ROI (Return Of Investment) for your venture.
But what I am trying to accomplished here is how to make money online without investing. Just a free web host, like Bloggers which is my favorite to use and google adsense then my little knowledge in writing. That's it no more no less.
Given those resources, I found out that we could still make money online. What we only need is our convictions and dedications in realising our dreams. If you are with me, maybe we could start this scheme - for us who do not have the resources and for those who have the resources but does not want to spend a dime.
So, below are
- Use a free Web Hosting for your Blogs/Site ( I recommend Blogger.com)
- Decide Well on What kind of domain name and topics your blog want to tackle.
- Monetized your blog with google Adsense. (Blogger.com is owned by google so you do not have a hard time to apply for the adsense.)
- When you have already made enough content on your blog do not cease to visit other blogs with the same niche with you and post an honest comment on those blogs and ask for a link. This is the most crucial thing that you must do with convictions and dedications because this is the only way your blog could gain popularity and ranking for the search engines. If your blog is popular and with high PR (page ranking) then it has a great possibility that traffics will be coming in for your blog. More traffics mean more possible CTR or impressions for the adsense in your blog which in return will translate to earnings.
- Lastly, to realize the no. 4 which is the most crucial then, I am calling all those bloggers out there specialy those who want to make money online without spending and to those bloggers who want their blogs be popular and long to raise their respective blogs to a higher PR that we must unite and join together. We need to link to each other without any hesitations. If your purpose is to make money online then we must join together through linking, promoting or reviewing each others blog. Don't waste your time chasing those already popular sites/blogs and ask for a link or review most likely they will ignore you specially if your blog is new. So, Let us make history by making a difference! Lets bring the blogging phenomenon to the next level through stentorized blogging.

After I went to the dentist, I went over to my friend Martha's to hang out and chat with her. I love seeing her, always makes me feel better! I was feeling kind of down yesterday but now I feel good again!
Martha and I checked out Infusion Tea which is a new-to-me tea place. Cute and nice atmosphere. I even liked my ice tea, I don't usually like ice tea so that is saying a lot that I liked it!
On my way home from Martha's I braved nasty traffic to stop by Sam Flax so I could pick up my favorite pens. All my pens are down to nubs so I need ones with new tips. I plan to get a lot of studio work done this week so I need fresh pens!
Gregoria de Jesus

Gregoria de Jesus
- 1st Filipina to to translate or decipher the alphabet of the Katipunan in code
- "Mother of the Philippine Revolution"
"Some of my important experiences during the Revolution are as follows: I had no fear of facing danger, not even death itself, whenever I accompanied the soldiers in the battle, impelled as I was then by no other desire than to see unfurled the flag of an independent Philippines, and I was present in and witnessed many encounters.
"Aling Oriang"
"Lakambini" (muse)
May 15, 1875
Caloocan, Rizal, Philippines
FATHER: Nicolas de Jesus
MOTHER: Baltazara Alvarez Francisco
1st HUSBAND: Andrés Bonifacio
SON: Andrés
2nd HUSBAND: Julio Nakpil
CHILDREN: Juana, Lucia, Juan, Julia, Francisca, Josefina, Mercedes and Caridad
March 15, 1943
Gregoria de Jesus on Wikipedia
Hero of the Philippine Revolution: Gregoria de Jesus
scrap in style tv launches

I am super excited to be a part of the team. It looks like it will be a lot of fun! Since I am not a scrapbooker in the traditional sense, they told me I could do my regular stuff and show some of my fun techniques to their scrapping/crafting audience. I am excited!!
What's Scrap in Style TV?
It's a web based TV show and networking community for crafters and scrapbookers, that is super stylish of course! Even if you're not a scrapbooker there is sure to be lots of crafty goodness available. Don't forget to check it out!
PS. Since I was traveling so much the last few weeks, I was out of the loop for the RAK contest so visit these other Scrap in Style design team members to sign up on their blogs:
Jody Ferlaak
Wilna Furstenberg
Lisa Garay
Gigi Kennedy
Adrienne Looman
Becky Novacek
Michelle Ramirez
Becca Sutton
Jo-Anne te Raa
Kayla Aimee Terrell
Ashley Wren
Kerry Lynn Yeary
Jeanette Herdman
Andrea Weibe
Kayla Aimee Terrel
Courtney DeLaura
Bernadette Henderson
Kelli Darr
mabel takes a bath
On another animal note, my friend Bernie of A Place to Bark Animal Rescue is in dire need of our help. Click here to read more.
Tomorrow is a great Equalizer
The filipino people will vote for 12 national senators among the 36 running. And at the same time will vote also for governors, mayors, congressman and etc. for their own respective localities.
As the report says, this is the most number of election related violence and death that is recorded in history. Also, this is the most expensive elections when it comes to expenses that incurred by all the politicians specially at the senatorial level. The amount combined is so staggering that it reached to a more than One billion pesos.
This expenses are so astonishing and it is sad to note because in reality a lot of filipino people at present have nothing or less food to eat as required for a human being.
But, anyway this post is about tomorrow as a great equalizer. It is because of the fact that people from all walks of life has only one vote to cast. May he be a billionaire,an executive, a businessman, a farmer, a vagrant and etc. everybody has only one vote. Nobody has a privilege to cast a vote more than once.
This is the other side of my stentorized blogging. This is the reality of tomorrow's election. And this is the bright side. This is a reminder to all of us that in an unfair world we live in there are events in our lives, whether we like it or not, we become evenly equal with our fellow beings.
So to all my fellow countrymen, I ask you to vote wisely! God Bless Us All and our country the Philippines.
happy mother's day weekend!
pricier stamps

Grrr! Again!
More and more I think I'll just switch to DHL for all my custom artwork shipping. I usually ship the smaller boxes Priority Mail but by the time in I factor in insurance and delivery confirmation DHL is cheaper and usually gets there faster, the only bad part is then you have to buy the boxes.
Warning: Drive-by Downloads to Infect PC's
One in 10 web pages scrutinised by search giant Google contained malicious code that could infect a user's PC.
Researchers from the firm surveyed billions of sites, subjecting 4.5 million pages to "in-depth analysis".
About 450,000 were capable of launching so-called
"drive-by downloads", sites that install malicious code, such as spyware, without a user's knowledge.
A further 700,000 pages were thought to contain code that could compromise a user's computer, the team report.
To address the problem, the researchers say the company has "started an effort to identify all web pages on the internet that could be malicious".
Phantom sites
Drive-by downloads are an increasingly common way to infect a computer or steal sensitive information.
They usually consist of malicious programs that automatically install when a potential victim visits a booby-trapped website.
"To entice users to install malware, adversaries employ social engineering," wrote Google researcher Niels Provos and his colleagues in a paper titled The Ghost In The Browser.
The vast majority exploit vulnerabilities in Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser to install themselves.
Some downloads, such as those that alter bookmarks, install unwanted toolbars or change the start page of a browser, are an annoyance. But increasingly, criminals are using drive-bys to install keyloggers that steal login and password information.
Other pieces of malicious code hijack a computer turning it into a "bot", a remotely controlled PC.
Drive-by downloads represent a shift away from traditional methods of infecting a computer, such as spam and email attachments.
Attack plan
As well as characterising the scale of the problem on the net, the Google study analysed the main methods by which criminals inject malicious code on to innocent web pages.
It found that the code was often contained in those parts of the website not designed or controlled by the website owner, such as banner adverts and widgets.
Widgets are small programs that may, for example, display a calendar on a webpage or a web traffic counter. These are often downloaded from third-party sites.
The rise of web 2.0 and user-generated content gave criminals other channels, or vectors, of attack, it found.
For example, postings in blogs and forums that contain links to images or other content could unwittingly infect a user.
The study also found that gangs were able to hijack web servers, effectively taking over and infecting all of the web pages hosted on the computer.
In a test, the researchers' computer was infected with 50 different pieces of malware by visiting a web page hosted on a hijacked server.
The firm is now in the process of mapping the malware threat.
Google, part of the StopBadware coalition, already warns users if they are about to visit a potentially harmful website, displaying a message that reads "this site may harm your computer" next to the search results.
"Marking pages with a label allows users to avoid exposure to such sites and results in fewer users being infected," the researchers wrote.
However, the task will not be easy, they say.
"Finding all the web-based infection vectors is a significant challenge and requires almost complete knowledge of the web as a whole," they wrote.
Additional Resources: Hi-tech Crime
Watch : Avoiding Attacks
Law Lemon Wisconsin stentorized after a Year
It still demands a whooping $119.63 for its maximum CPC and its average is $66.15 on survey day.
However, the values for advert payout rates for phrases like law lemon wisconsin, will differ regionally.
This information is just posted here to help you improve your advert targeting and stentorized your respective blogs. It is advised that you would do the research for words like law lemon wisconsin yourself.
Hope you find this information valuable for your quest in making money online with your sites and I stentorized it.
Valuable Reference: At Source
lucky dog

PS. I am actually getting work done today believe it or not -- between taking photos of Toby and my skirt. I have been writing my new book proposal. Yay!
PPS. Anyone out there watching Shear Genius??? I like it. Way better than Top Designer, not as good as Project Runway but I'll take it for now until PR comes back.
let it be documented.....

Here's a photo to prove it - see Dad I do have legs!
all about the pets!
Toby wasn't happy about the vet visit at all, but we were thrilled to see his eyes are now making more tears on their own. The medicine we have been using is working! yay!
I also got Mabel checked, and she has another bladder infection. Grrr! We stay so on top of it -- testing her every couple weeks. She has been good with no infection for a long time so I guess I can't complain. I came home with antibiotics for her and hopefully that will clear things up.

I also picked up pill pockets for my Dad's cat Friday who is 21 (yes 21 years old!!!). I found Friday when I was 12 and he was already a year old, can you believe it! Friday is now having a hard time eating enough food so he been prescribed an appetite stimulant but he won't take his pill. We are going to see if pill pockets will do the trick. Mabel loves them and gobbles them right up, but then Mabel will eat anything, she is a piggy. Here's a photo of her to the left to prove what a piggy she is!
So today was all about the pets! Other than pet caring, I checked my email (almost done with it all!) and made a few phone calls and now I am sleepy again. It always takes me a few days to recover from a long teaching stint. See you tomorrow!
i'm home!
all done! now back to work!
I won't officially be teaching again until October at Art and Soul in Portland! I *might* do a September class in Miami but I can drive to that so that doesn't count. I have lots on my list to get done this summer and I want to make sure I have to get it all done and *maybe* also find time to experiment and play too!!
A few things on my list for the rest of this week is:
- find new homeowner's insurance for our house (AllState dropped all FL homes... grrr!)
- start really super duper promoting my custom artworks, I want to get to a point where I have a steady flow of custom artwork orders. At least 3 orders a week is my goal!
- Do an illustration promo and send packets off to possible companies for licensing
- Make an appt with some kind of natural healer person who can help me with my migraines. I had one every day since last Wed. ugh!
- Start on the two book proposoals I need to get done.
- Make appt for Toby to go to the vet to have his eyes checked for proper tear production
art & soul - day four
Tonight I got a lot of my left over supplies packed up to ship back home. I'll send them off tomorrow so I can make sure DHL actually picks them up. Then bring the rest of the stuff home in my suitcase on Tuesday.
I'm getting all ready for the finale of The Amazing Race! I think this round I want the beauty queens to win. They really grew on me this season.
Tomorrow's my last day of teaching and then packing up to come home. So I'll see you when I get back!
art & soul - day two
I just got my class roster for tonight and I am excited to see Andra is in my class. Andra babysat Stanley for us when we went to go pick him up from Atlanta. She is such a sweetie and I am sure I'll get all squealy and excited reminiscing about Stan and what a little baby he was!
Off to order more food from the hotel children's menu... tonight maybe it will be mac and cheese? I don't know!
a wild ride!
Yesterday I had kind of a wild ride over to the hotel from the airport. I arrived in Newport News and grabbed an airport cab. It was an old and cruddy cab, but cabs always seem to be old and crappy at least all the ones I get so I wasn't worried. The guy drives for about 10 minutes and then says "I need to stop at the gas station to pick up some coolant"
So I am thinking um OK, either this guy is really going to get coolant or he's going to get duct tape and rope and I'm going to end up at the side of the road somewhere. Luckily he came out with the coolant and pours the WHOLE bottle in the engine and then throws the bottle in the front seat and starts driving again. I said to him "do you think maybe you should call me another cab?"
He says no it will be fine and drives for another 3 or 4 minutes then turns around and tells me he is taking me BACK to the airport so I can get another cab. Oh boy!!
And did I mention it's like 90 degrees out and his car has no AC.
So he takes me back and then I get out and haul my luggage into another cab and then the guy tells me "no charge ma'am"
Oh wow! OK thanks for being so generous!
It was so funny!
Well it's time for me to eat and run off to my next class. I am teaching day + night classes today and tomorrow. Saturday I will be a zombie, good thing I am not teaching that day! See you later!
Helen Brown

Helen Brown
AKA Helen Agcaoili Summers Brown
- 1st Filipina graduate of University of California Los Angeles (UCLA, 1937)
- Founder of the Filipino American Library (FAL, 1985)
"Auntie Helen"
Manila, Philippines
FATHER: George Summers
MOTHER: Trinidad Agcaoili
HUSBAND: Bill Brown
Wikipilipinas: Helen Brown
errands and laundry before I leave

Thankfully my dad shipped 2 big boxes off for me while we were in Italy. I should have 60lbs of stuff waiting for me when I get there. I am so glad I shipped so much ahead -- it has made packing today much easier. I even had room for snacks and things to stock my hotel room with to eat for lunch. I *think* there is a Target within walking distance to the hotel but I can't remember for sure. I won't have a ride until Lesley gets there on Friday night so I wanted to bring provisions just in case!
I am also bringing things with me to work on. I have the day off Saturday before vending and I thought that would be a perfect day to work on the book proposals I need to get done.
I'll be bringing my laptop so see you when I get to Virginia!