I found Friday on a Friday morning in 1987 when I was 12, he was already about a year old. It was the first week of 7th grade and he appeared one day at the bus stop. I decided we would call him Friday until we thought of a better name - we never did. He was my first found kitty in what will probably be a long history of finding homeless cats!
I remember bringing him in the house and he freaked out, running behind all the furniture, couldn't wait to escape. So we started feeding him outside. In the winter he would venture in and sleep on my Dad's favorite leather chair for a few days then get really anxious to be let out. We tried for years to make him an indoor cat but he would have none of it! He would get really nasty if we kept him in too long! Finally when he was 16 he was ready to live inside and enjoy retirement and he spent the last remaining years enjoying lounging in the sun, my Mom and Dad at his beck and call.
As all pets are loved, they are also mile markers in our lives. Friday was there for for me through more than half my life: middle school, first boyfriends, highschool, college, my first jobs, my marriage. I miss you already big boy!