weekend update!

I started off the weekend yesterday with a huge 24 hour migraine. I had an important business phone call with lawyers and the whole nine yards and it gave me a major headache. I can't tell you what is going on just yet, but hopefully soon (it will be exciting if it all works out)! I took an imitrex and tried ignoring the migraine, and went to see The Simpons with Paul (fun movie!) then tried over medicating but not even two imitrex (max dosage for 24 hours) could get rid of it so I gave in and just rested in the dark, it finally went around 11am this morning.

Then discovered that my car has a dead battery. Thank goodness it died in the garage and not while I was out running errands! I called AAA to come and install a new battery but they won't do it for VW Beetles. But they came and checked the battery and pronounced it dead, so dead in fact that they told me it was not safe to drive it the 12 miles to the dealer. So now on Monday I need to have it towed.

Just now opened the mail and discovered that the homeowners insurance( Allstate) that dropped us automatically enrolled us into another insurance company (Royal Palm) without our consent. We had signed on with a different insurance company (Tower Hill) after we got the drop notice. So now I have to make a bunch of calls on Monday to sort that out and make sure we aren't being billed for two policies. These sneaky insurance companies!

Looks like Monday will be a busy day already and it's not even here yet!