So it's Jeffrey! I had a feeling it would be! Last night it was such fun watching the show. We were up really late watching both the 10pm and 12am airing!
We all thought it was a toss up between Laura, Uli and Jeff. But we all guessed Jeffrey because his was the most edgy and the judges love edgy! I think all of them will have great careers ahead in fashion because all of the collections were wonderful.
We didn't get to play the garbage bag game, Martha and Larry were coming in from Birmingham and raced in while the finale was playing. But we did get to play the trivia game that Paul created, he did such a good job coming up with questions!
OK here are 7 of our favorites that Paul came up with, just for the record John won with Lynn coming in a close second. They know their PR Trivia!
1) Season 2 - While wearing their newly acquired gaudy skating outfits, the designers learned that they had to consider performance AND appearance when constructing their garments. What famous athlete were the designers asked to dress?
2) Season 2 - Episode eight was all about inspiration. Each designer was given a digital camera and sent out into the city to try to find one image that would spark their creativity. What unlikely object did Andrae choose to work from?
3) Season 1 - what deadly sin was the inspiration for the second challenge on "episode two"?
4) Season 1 - which designer visited the hospital to get their scalp stapled?
5) During Season 3's reunion episode Tim Gunn reveals he likes to do which hobby?
6) Season 2 - Santino Rice did a hilarious impression of Tim Gunn at which restaurant?
7)Season 1 - Wendy Pepper was upset because one of the designers did what to her daughter's picture?
Post your answers in the comments if you like!