Of course we brought our babies, in costume. Toby went as an angel and Gizmo (my neighbor's Shih Tzu) went as a police man. It was funny seeing Toby as an angel because he is such a grump. Click the image to the right to see Toby in his full angel glory.
Toby just about tolerated the wings that I added to his harness with a safety pin. Not nearly as innovative as last years' Ewok costume but at least he wore them without protest. We kept giggling watching his little wings flapping around.
We ha

Toby did get a little stressed out by the whole event. So I spent most of the time carrying him (his 17 lbs. gets really heavy after about 10 minutes of holding him!) while Gizmo ever the social butterfly was happy to meet all the other dogs! Poor Toby, I wish he was more comfortable in social situations but he did the best he could. Next year I am bringing his stroller so he can ride along and feel safe away from the other dogs.
But despite all that, we had a great day! I wish Paul could have come but he had to work today. But maybe next year! Now Toby is totally exhausted and so am I!