I always love peeking at other people’s Netflix lists so I thought I would share with you some of my favorite movies about artists/art!
here's a quick list in no particular order:
Basquiat – this film by Julian Schnabel, when I was in art college we got to watch it with Schnabel and then have a Q&A session with him afterwards. He looks nothing like Gary Oldman who plays him in the film And one of my friends got in a very heated discussion with Schnabel about "big art" vs "small art" Schnabel was very pro large format art. While my friend thought that small format art was still very valid.
A Man Named Pearl - touching documentary about a man who becomes a self taught topiary artist.
Frida - I didn’t expect to like this one as much as I did. But loved it!
Pollock – wish they had more scenes of him painting and less of him getting drunk. Still a good movie.
How to Draw a Bunny – odd film but interesting!
Chuck Close: A Portrait in Progress – I am a big fan of Chuck Close. How he overcame his handicap to continue to create amazing large scale paintings is inspiring!
Who the %&*# is Jackson Pollack – a great movie about the bias of the art world
My Kid Could Paint That – story about a prodigy artist and her pushy parents. Question is... is it the Dad painting or her?
Herb & Dorothy – story of a couple (he was a postman) who amassed an amazing art collection worth millions and then gifted it to the National Gallery of Art.
Beautiful Losers – documentary about graffiti artists. Very interesting!
Alice Neel – documentary about portrait artist, Alice Neel. Her sons chime in a lot and you can tell they weren't happy with their unconventional upbringing!
In the Realms of the Unreal - Story of outsider artist Henry Darger who lived a reclusive life and died alone in a Catholic mission in 1973
Helvetica – a great documentary about typography and how it is used in society.
Exit Through the Gift Shop - documentary about street artist Banksy. Rumor is he is also Mr Brainwash. you must watch!
I am sure I have left some out. These are just the ones off the top of my head. If you have any suggestions please post a comment!