back from florida

We're back from our little visit to Florida to see family. Maggie had quite the adventurous trip!

Maggie having a snooze on the long drive

First we started with a 14 hour drive from DC to Orlando. Maggie took it all in stride. I am trying to get her to use this new cool bed that we bought so I put it in the car. She used it but just for her head!

Boo + Maggie
At my parent's house she got along great with their cat Boo. Boo even liked Maggie!

Maggie meets my niece's guinea pig!
There was a visit to my brother and sister in-law's house and Maggie fell in love with our niece's guinea pig Flower. She sat outside Flower's cage for hours!

Maggie says vacation is exhausting!
Mid week we took at trip to St Augustine for our 9th Wedding anniversary. We stayed a B&B that was more kooky/old lady than it was cute and funky. But they always put you in the least cute room if you have a dog. Maggie didn't mind the decor, she thought the bed was snuggly and comfy!

Maggie dog checking out the ocean
We took Maggie to the beach for her first time! She loved splashing around in the waves and barking at the beach bikes!

Mom and Maggie!
Maggie and my Mom on our way out to lunch!

tired out on the ride home frm beach
Then our trip was over and another long drive back to DC!