The Story of What's on My Desk ~ Undomestic Chica

Hey! I'm Lindsay over at Undomestic Chica. I decide to participate in Bloggerstock this month but little did I know how embarrassed I would be by the posting topic. See, Bloggerstock chose "The Story of What's on Your Desk" and my desk is a mess! I work in the Promotion Department of a radio station so things are constantly coming onto and off of my desk. Currently, I have about a million pens, one camera, a stack of event sheets that tell my employees the detiails of the events they're working, an (unpopped) bag of popocorn, water bottle, tickets to a recently cancelled concert, and a bunch of promotional items on my desk. All this is in addition to the normal stuff you'd find one someone's desk like a cell phone, keyboard, phone, stapler, etc. 

I'd like to tell you the story of one particular item though. For those of you who have actually read my blog, you might have heard this before....Back in February of '09, Boyfriend and I were spending our first Valentine's Day together. I HATE Valentine's Day. Ever since Jr High I thought it was too much stress, too much pressure to show someone how you feel about them when you should take every day to do so. I've always preferred to spend quality time with my boyfriend's rather than get/give gifts, so for our first Valentine's Day together, Boyfriend and I chose to go to the aquarium.

Our aquarium is really cool because they have this big doughnut-shaped-thing where part of the doughnut is under ground and the part you can see is constantly sucking jellyfish through it. Ever since seeing the movie 7 Pounds a few weeks before, I had been obsessed with jellyfish. I stood in the doughnut for a long time watching the graceful jellyfish travel through the doughnut right at eye level.  

Fast forward to December of '09, Boyfriend and I had our one year anniversary and then two weeks later we broke up. I had given him this jellyfish paperweight for our anniversary and he loved it. And I loved it too. I don't believe in taking gifts back after a break-up so I didn't, but I wanted one so bad. Imagine my surprise when Boyfriend and I got back together and he gave my not one, but two jellyfish paperweights from the aquarium! He gave a me a pink one to match my bedroom and then surprised me about a week later at work with one for my desk. 

When we got back together, he told my that day at the aquarium is one of the best memories  he has of the two of us, and he always looked at his paperweight on his dresser with sadness - he knew he needed to get me back. So that's my favorite item on my desk, the jellyfish paperweight from Boyfriend. Not only does it remind me of what has become one of my favorite animals, but also of the fun times Boyfriend and I always have together. So there may be a ton of items on my desk everyday, but my jellyfish is definitely my favorite :)