Casual Friday

I'm the girl who comes into work all dressed up most every day.  Not necessarily suited up - pants or business-suit, that is - more often a dress or skirt and blouse.  And, yes, I wear heels to work.  Often.

Not today, though, and not so much for the past few weeks and I'm trying to get to the bottom of the problem.  Probably not high on the list of major problems that must be solved, but it's an oddity and I'm curious.  (I am a librarian, you know, we like to research things).

My gut tells me that it's because my heart isn't into it at the moment.  "It" being my work.  I am distracted.  I have so many other things I would much rather be doing and I'm afraid that I'm starting to resent my job for keeping me from all these other activities.  And, so, my appearance is an outward expression of my lackadaisical attitude toward work and my "well, if I have to be here..." attitude.  That's a pretty obvious diagnosis, but it'll have to do for now because I've just used my last 15 minutes of workweek to write a blog post.  See...I definitely have a problem!

Is there such a word as travelitis....honeymoonitis....kind of like senioritis? 

I must admit, though, it is much easier to get around the library quickly in kicky sneakers than in heels!  Maybe there is something good to this casualness after all.