I only worked 2 1/2 days this week and spent the rest of the time at home on the couch. I didn't get a whole lot done from my living room perch, but I wasn't feeling so hot so my lack of productivity hasn't bothered me. It does mean, however, that I don't have much to report today and definitely not a whole Five Things. I did try a bit of German one day, but Rosetta Stone didn't take to my funny, froggy cold-voice, so I deserted that exercise. On the plus side, I've had a lot of time to read and have gotten lost in a book in a way I haven't in quite some time (The Swan Thieves by Elizabeth Kostova) and that is a pure joy. Also....
**We continue our honeymoon planning. Lo and behold, Kiefer has friends who live in Sussex, England. In a 600 year-old castle. And we're invited! So, the trip is shaping up to be a week in England and a week in Vienna. No complaints here!
** In the midst of all the didn't do's this week, there was one big DID. I submit my first article contribution to DivineCaroline! If you're interested, here's a direct link to the story....have a read.
I am feeling better today, but I think I'll head back to the couch for a bit. Just one more evening. I've got the movie Before Sunrise to watch. I'm hoping I can get over my cellular-level dislike of Ethan Hawke enough to enjoy the movie. It's set in Vienna and that's what I want to see!