A lot of candidates were already making political strategies by positioning themselves and be recognized by the voting public. As early as July of last year those who were planning to run were already buying and filling up TV air times and other media outlets. Spending billions of pesos for a position which has only a monthly salary of more or less 35,000.00 pesos.
This grandiose spending is so magnanimous which will only force an ordinary citizen to question the sincerity and integrity of such individual of wanting to serve the majority of the filipino people who are poor.
Why a presidential candidate have to spend billions of pesos if his purpose is to alleviate poverty? Could he not do it as a private citizen? As a congressman? As a Senator? Do they really need to become a President of this Country first, so that their supposed advocacy - which is to help the poor - must be realized?
If we are going to sum up all the spending of those candidates running for national office, it could already build hospitals or schools or even feed the hungry. But of course, every Candidates prefer to spend their billions or millions for their own respective self-interests. While a lot of poor Filipinos who are sick and dying and who are hungry, could only watch with awe how those candidates could ever spend billions of pesos in a short period of time.