what happens next .. i don't know

In November we got the news that Paul's office will be closing. We were told then that Paul and the other web staffers of The Guardian's DC office would continue working until Feb 5th. And after that, would officially a statistic of the recession.

February 5th, seemed like a long way away, but Paul leapt into action immediately: resumes have been emailed like mad, networking like crazy, and even a few interviews.

The cliche of saying it feels like a roller coaster ride is true. We are at the part in the ride where we are chugging up the steep hill, each day that has passed has moved us further up the hill as we got closer and closer to Feb 5th.

We can't see how big the drop is on the other side .... sometimes roller coasters trick you into thinking it's a steep hill when it's just a slope or a series of smaller hills on the way down. Or sometimes you chug up that big hill, heart racing in anticipation to realize, it's a straight drop down.

Will we be frightened or laughing on our big ride? I don't know. But I know for sure we'll be holding hands!