I definitely need sweaters

Crazy weather in the Bay Area lately.  It is the rainy season, so the downpours are no surprise, but the thunder and lightening that accompany them are.  Temperatures aren't low, but everything is wet, windblown, dank, and dark, which sets a chill in my bones.  My house is cold, the library where I work is cold, there is no sun, and I can't get warm.

Compare this to Vienna, where it is currently 21 degrees and snowing, and I feel silly complaining about the
"cold."  I lived for many years in New England.  I know cold. I don't mind cold.  I'm just not prepared for cold, sartorially-speaking.

My Northern California cold weather wardrobe consists of lots of thin, layering sweaters worn one over the other. I'm not even sure you can call them sweaters, but that's how they advertise them here.  I once owned a dresser full of thick, effective sweaters in every color of the rainbow and a variety of styles and designs.  Ah, how I miss them now.

So, I'm considering a sweater investment this year - a real, honest-to-goodness, keeps you warm sweater - and I'm using Vienna as the excuse.  I debate this purchase each year and put it off, thinking I just need to get through a short time of cold here and it's not worth spending the money.  But I will need sweaters next year, so why not start now?

This does conflict with the other goals of not spending money or increasing the number of possessions we need to bring with us, so I've got a dilemma.  Hmmmm.... one won't hurt, right - one beautiful, substantial sweater?  I can wear it on the trip to Vienna and save the packing space.  And stock up once I get there.

This gets me thinking.....how many pair of shoes is too many to ship overseas?  Uh oh.