Tomorrow I am headed to Orlando for the CHA Summer Convention. It's hard to believe that exactly one year ago Paul and I were moving away from Orlando to Washington DC, and now the CHA summer show is there! Yay! I get to visit my Mom and Dad, my nieces, check on our house to see how it's doing, and attend the show. It's going to be really busy packing everything in!
I'll be at the Wholesale part of the Show only, not the Super Show part which starts on August 1st
Here's my schedule, if you are attending please stop by and say hi!
Monday July 27th
Studio Simplified Workshop (Room 304A) 11:30am - 1:30pm
Tuesday July 28th
10am - 12noon - FREE Make N Take with me at the Ranger booth (#725). Stop by and make a cute necklace!
2pm-5:00pm Make N Take continues!
Wednesday July 29th
9am - 12 noon - demoing at the Ranger booth (#725)
2:30 - 5:30 - more demos at the Ranger booth (#725)
Thursday July 30th
8am - 9am taping for Scrapbook Memories (booth #725)
12noon - 3pm demoing at the Ranger booth (#725)
Because the show is so busy, it's sometimes hard to find a spare minute to blog. But I'll be Twittering! Follow me on Twitter to get the latest updates!