Just about everyone has done a transfer using gel medium (or Multi- medium in my product line) but did you know you can transfer images directly into my Claudine Hellmuth Studio paints too?
Here's how:
First paint your surface using Claudine Hellmuth Studio paints in your favorite color - or mix a color yourself! Here, I am painting a 2x2" square of Sticky-back Canvas with Painterly Pink.
Press your photocopied image directly into the wet paint. Press gently to make sure there is good contact. Laser copies will work best for this technique - for example the copies you make at the Kinkos or Office Depot. Not the kind that come from your home inkjet copying machine. You use a color copy or a b/w copy, just keep in mind that your paint color that you choose will show through a little bit, so keep that in mind when you choose your copy and paint color! Also your image will be reversed when you transfer it, so if you have words make sure to flip the image in the copying machine.
Allow to dry completely. I prefer to let it dry for a couple hours. The #1 thing that can go wrong with this techqniue is not allowing it to dry all the way. Once dry then spray the back of the copy with water, I like to make a little puddle and let the water sit for a minute or two. You will start to see the paper go transparant.
Gently rub off the paper pulp with your fingers. Once all the paper pulp is removed your transfer is done!!
That's it! You have created a transfer into paint!