Tomorrow I'll be heading up to the Ranger offices for a weekend of art and techniques at Ranger University! I'll be driving this trip instead of flying (Ranger offices are only 4.5 hours drive from DC!) and I am ecstatic about not having to go to the airport.
Paul will be here this weekend with Toby, he even arranged his work schedule so he would have Friday off to doggie sit while I am away. Right now Toby is is good form (knock on wood) a few days ago things were really dicey. He was so unresponsive and lethargic + not eating we thought we didn't have much time left with him. But then he perked up today! He's eating again and enjoying short walks, napping and he even played for about 10 seconds today. Amazing to see him play even for a few seconds, he hasn't wanted to play in weeks.
It really is day-by-day with a doggie with terminal cancer. I am starting to learn that just because he has one bad day the next one doesn't necessarily have to be worse, if we are lucky it's a better day!
This is a short trip with little spare time, so I am not even taking my lap top. I'll be checking in via phone on Twitter and Facebook. Have a great weekend!