Our vet recommended that we take Stan to the kitty cardiologist to have him further checked. Let me say how much I love our vet and am so glad I found her after moving here!!
Some murmurs can be nothing and something cats can live with for a long time. Or they can mean the beginning of heart disease. Of course when she says this, all I heard coming out of her mouth was heart disease and I was freaking out.
Oh no! My baby Stan who is only 2 years old!!
To make a long story short, tomorrow morning (Tuesday) I will take him to the kitty cardiologist who will take his blood pressure and give him a mini kitty echocardiogram. The good news is they don't have to put him under when they do this and I can be with him the whole time. I am a nervous wreck about it because tomorrow I will find out if this is something Stan will just live with or if this is a progressive disease that we will have to do our best to slow down however we can.
When I look at him running around like his usual crazy self and getting into mischief I can't help but think this has to be something he was born with and something he'll live with for a long time. He is not acting like a sick cat in any way. My Dad's cat lived to be 21 with a heart murmur! I even have a heart murmur too! This can NOT be heart disease, it just wouldn't make any sense, my Stanley is supposed to be around for a long time!.
I'll be Twittering tomorrow about it as I get news so Paul and my Mom can get updates. Every day is precious with your fur babies! Give them kisses whenever you can!!