My good friend Bernie at A Place to Bark has lots of sweet furry babies that need your help! She's having an online art auction that runs right up until Christmas! A perfect chance to get a gift AND help the animals!
Here's some info from the A Place to Bark Web site:
It's called the Linked By Love Auction: Artist Friends of A Place to Bark, Dedicated to Saving The Lives Of Animals in Need.
This auction continue till December 25th in hopes of raising the funds needed to finish our shelter and help us catch up on some Mega HUGE vet bills. New items to be listed daily!!!
Many of the art pieces are published and won't be offered anywhere else, but in our auctions. Really FABULOUS Art!! Please bookmark the link, check back often & help spread the word!!!! Christmas is coming, so now is the time to treat yourself or someone you love to a very special artful present and in turn help us continue on saving more animals in need.-------------
Help spread the word!!! happy holidays!!!