stanley's new shirt

I put this little vest (made out of one of Paul's socks) on Stanley to prevent him from licking the Frontline that I had applied.


I try not to put that stuff on our pets, but here in FL in the summer you have to, or else the fleas will have a field day! Stan has an amazing ability to twist his head around and lick the Frontline which makes me worried he will get sick. So I made this little vest for him to wear while it dries. I learned this sock-vest trick from Christina who used it on her cat when she was spayed to prevent her from licking the stitches.

This was my first time trying out the vest and he was not happy wearing it. Mabel didn't recognize him in his little outfit and started hissing at him so I had to take it off. He looked cute wearing it though!

I am off to bed. Long day working on CHA samples. The show is around the corner and still lots and lots of work to do!