Hi guys, this is something that I felt that I am obligated to inform everybody. This is regarding My first AdBrite Check. As you all know, I just received the check last week. However, I am so disappointed because I need to open a dollar bank account first before that check will be deposited. I thought my EON Debit Card could accept this kind of check payment specially in U.S. currency. But, it is not.
So, immediately I inform AdBrite about this case and requested that my check will be voided. Below is the image of that check being voided.
You know what? While I am experiencing my feeling of disappointments. Different thoughts and ideas are popping inside my brain which brought to a one bottom line question and that is "How come that AdBrite which is using the most modern technology online or in the internet is still adopting a 10,000 B.C. kind of payment options to its Non-U.S. Publishers?"
I am not trying to make a negative impressions here to AdBrite but you could not avoided this kind of question. Specially when you are experiencing the best payment option from Google Adsense Earnings. Right?
Anyway, I wrote last month to AdBrite and requested for a new payment options from them.
Below is the excerpt of my email to them:
So, immediately I inform AdBrite about this case and requested that my check will be voided. Below is the image of that check being voided.
You know what? While I am experiencing my feeling of disappointments. Different thoughts and ideas are popping inside my brain which brought to a one bottom line question and that is "How come that AdBrite which is using the most modern technology online or in the internet is still adopting a 10,000 B.C. kind of payment options to its Non-U.S. Publishers?"
I am not trying to make a negative impressions here to AdBrite but you could not avoided this kind of question. Specially when you are experiencing the best payment option from Google Adsense Earnings. Right?
Anyway, I wrote last month to AdBrite and requested for a new payment options from them.
Below is the excerpt of my email to them:
Base from what Adbrite statement Non-U.S. addresses may take up to 21 business days for the check to arrive. But it is already more than a month now and my first check is not yet received by me. Hope you can help me on this sir.And below was the reply of AdBrite to me:
And maybe you can now apply other payment options for us Non-U.S. Publishers who support Adbrite Advertising Program. I prefer PayPal or Western Union??
In regards to alternative publisher payment options such as PayPal. At this time, AdBrite offers payment by check only. The check will be mailed to the address listed on the account and issued in US dollars. When registering your account, we recommend setting your minimum check amount accordingly, as foreign banks often have fees associated with depositing checks issued in US currency. We are constantly evaluating options and services to better the marketplace experience. Any introduction of alternative payment options will be announced as we would like all AdBrite users to participate.So, guys it is up to you now if you are going to continue to support AdBrite or not. But as for me, I rather choose an status quo until an alternative payment options will be introduced. Hope this will be realized as soon as possible. Good Luck!