I decided to upgrade my sewing supply case from a ziploc bag to this CUTE sewing basket I bought at JoAnn's this weekend. Only $12 when I used my coupon. I was so proud I actually remembered to USE my coupon. Usually I carry it in with me and then forget I have it when I check out.
I ♥ ball fringe! (thanks to Twitter friend ihanna for showing me how to make the heart symbol!) I am so excited now I am going to put hearts everywhere! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
It'll be like when I was 10 and I got a paint pen and suddenly letters with dots on the ends of them were on our drinking glasses, my bedroom mirror and any surface I could write on! Gratuitous heart usage coming right up!
Lots and lots of goodies from Hero Arts. I'll be their guest blogger at the end of May so they sent me this giant goodie box full of things to make stuff with. Lucky me! Thank you Hero Arts!! Some I'll use for blog giveaways too! Stay tuned!
look at this sweet little trim I found at JoAnn's love it! I think it will make great poppet® aprons!