But I'm sure you realize all that. What I find of utmost importance in her growing list of accomplishments is that she is going to be shooting her first major campaign for D&G Autumn Winter 2008 with Testino! I am definitely looking forward to it! From what I can see, it's only her and Ksenia of Russia's Next Top Model who have made it big. Ksenia gradually gained enough momentum after a few seasons to score a spot in the Gucci campaign line up alongside Lily D, Abbey Lee (an Aussie!), Kasia and Masha N!
If that's not good for NTM, I don't know what is. I just don't understand America's Next Top Model (aka the original Tyra led version). You'd think with Tyra's experience the presence of the girls would be stronger...
Cred: livejournal, SMH, style.com