I was walking Toby on my way to feed our neighbor's coy fish when I noticed a little Robin hopping around in the grass, he didn't try to fly away when I approached him and his beak was open at an awkward angle. He never seemed to close his beak which seemed strange to me. As soon as I saw his beak open like that, I knew there was something wrong.
So I brought Toby home,then grabbed a box a towel and some gloves. I waited 15 minutes because I wanted to see if maybe he was just startled by Toby and that's why he didn't fly away.
Sure enough he was still there with his beak open, when I went back and so I scooped him up and put him in the box with the towel.
Luckily for Mr Robin, there is a wonderful woman, Ann Young (aka the bird lady) who lives about 45 minutes away from us. She has made it it her life's work to rescue injured song birds. Her entire house has been changed into a bird Emergency room and she does all this work on donations alone. In 2006 we brought a baby mockingbird to her. She is amazing.
So I rushed Mr Robin off to Ann's house. When I got there she took him into her arms and pronounced his beak broken. Then I burst into tears. I was so upset! I didn't want anything bad to happen to Mr Robin. Ann promised me that she is going to help this little guy fight and he will be OK. She gave him some special injured bird food because he hadn't eaten in days. Poor little guy!
After that, I had to leave because other people were coming in so I left Ann a donation check dedicated to my little Robin and said a tearful good-bye. I am going to check up on him in a few days. I hope he's going to make it!
Ann (no web site) is an amazing woman who dedicates every spare minute to taking care of birds so that they can be rehabilitated and released -- an incredible person who looks after God's creatures like my friend Bernie. We need more people like this in the world.