Today along with other work I was getting done -- I had a little play time..... I created this little guy using the Style Phyle kit from Scrap in Style TV.
In the kit there was this little yellow envelope with plastic on both sides. At first I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it... but then I started playing around.
I started layering a collage inside the yellow plastic window and then I thought it would be fun to use dry erase markers to create different doodles on the window. It's easy to remove doodles and start again, and again! The book that came with the kit was The Doodle Formula by Adrienne Looman which got me thinking about doodling and how I could doodle on this project!
To cover up the yellow plastic on the ends and make a cute border I used the houndstooth gaffers tape in the kit. This tape is great. I think many things in my house will soon be covered in it.
Here are the rest of my Dry Erase Marker doodles:
I am hanging this little guy on my fridge to make more doodles!