I spent ALL day covering up all the flowering plants in our garden to keep them warm. I also put down every single christmas light strand that we own in all the flower beds so they can keep things a little warmer (hopefully!). We now have more Christmas lights on display than we did in all of December. They look really pretty shining underneath all the white landscape fabric.
Tonight we are supposed to have a wind chill in the low 30's and then tomorrow night it's going to be in the 20's! For Florida that is crazy cold. The TV news anchors are acting like mommies telling us silly tips like "to stay warm try wearing a hat and scarf!"
I am having a bit of freak out about the plants, it would cost us a lot of money to replace everything so I hope they all live! Please live little plants! Keeping my fingers crossed! I'm off to snuggle down with a mug of hot chocolate!