- extended trading hours at work because of Christmas- just a fyi for you Aussie babes: David Jones is open until 10pm this Monday to Wednesday, and til midnight on Thursday and Friday if you want to fit in some late night shopping,
- Christmas shopping for family (I still have no idea what to get my Dad...),
- sorting out my timetable for university next year- I'll hopefully be taking a fashion course next semester!
- doing some research for places to go and shop in Hong Kong and Tokyo. I'll be in HK for about a month, with a little side trip to Tokyo thrown in there, starting early Feb. My grand shopping plan is to check out the warehouses in HK but anyone got suggestions for Japan? I'm particularly interested in designer outlets- Yohji, CDG, Tsumori Chisato, Junya and all those good Japanese designers!
- compiling a mile long shopping list for said trips overseas,
- and making another (not as long) shopping list for the boxing day sales. That's an equivalent of the Blk Friday sales in the US of A!

Shame that these size 6s are too big for me!
Photo cred: myself