I'm working up a storm here getting lots of work done so I can enjoy the Project Runway party tonight at Lynn and John's house.
Here's a photo of my hat that I made from paper plates, duct tape, pipe cleaner, colored tissue and newspaper. Click here to see a few more photos on my Flickr.
Recap of the Project Runway Part Challenge: John put random items on a table: paper plates, colored tissue, duct tape, pipe cleaners, pens, newspaper. Then he told us we had to make a hat for ourselves and one for Smudge (their Labrador retriever). We had 45 minutes to work. John even made a "Tresmme Hair and makeup room" complete with wigs and funny glasses to add when we modeled our designs. Lynn and I were a team. Larry and Martha were a team. Matthew and Rachel Cornell were another team.
No challenge tonight, everyone is worn out. But next week we'll do one here at our house! Now to think of something good for the challenge! I'm thinking of garbage bag outfits. Any suggestions?