Tonight Paul and I are having some of our neighbor friends over for drinks and a game of Balderdash. Paul also bought some sparklers and mini fireworks so it should be fun, fun, fun. And the best part is no one has to drive so we will all be safe!
I thought I would list some of my resolutions for all the world to see. When you write things down you are more likely to do them so here goes!
This is my "do better" list, I also have a dream list but I am still working on that one:
- shred the junk mail every day and don't let it pile up into a mini mountain
- take re-usable bags to the grocery store and when shopping in general
- buy at least one new clothing item a month (my wardrobe is very lacking and I hate shopping)
- read for pleasure every week and learn to not feel guilty or that I am wasting time.
- start a wish jar and put my wishes in it!
- treat our garden fountain with chlorine 3x a week so it doesn't turn into a swamp and spawn 1,000s of frogs like this year.
- be better about setting boundaries between work and regular life to allow guilt free play time.
- learn to part with and stop hoarding my original artwork. I need to be a good girl and start listing batches of work for sale on Etsy. It is piling up and unloved and needs homes.
What are your resolutions for this new year? Post to your blog and add your link to the comments in this post or just post your resolutions in my comments below. HAPPY NEW YEAR!