I am still sick with this nasty virus, cold or whatever it is.
Now it has moved into the coughing stage with uncontrollable coughing fits at night. I had to spend the last couple nights in the guest room so Paul could get some sleep. All of the pets stay with Paul so then I end up all alone in the guestroom and I don't like it. I tried to get Stanley to come in with me but even he thought I was coughing too much.
My sister in-law Maria told me that her grandma used to put Vicks Vapo Rub on her feet (yes her feet!) and then put socks on when she was coughing and that it would help. It sounded weird but I thought hey I'll try it and I did and it seemed to help and at least I have soft feet now!
Yesterday I went on a cleaning spree. Whenever I am sick I feel like everything is dirty so I was like a crazy person cleaning the house. I should have probably been laying in bed but I couldn't control the urge to clean and at least I was being productive!
Today I got a decent amount of art work done and now I am really tired. I think I might have overdone it. I am off to rest! See you tomorrow!